2011 — 26 April: Tuesday

A sunny start to a day of swanning around, so let's have a sunny smile from Christa! Judging by the cleanliness of the brickwork, this one must date from a summer in the earliest days of our time here in my current house:


Not that I have any current plans1 to move. It's 07:51 and I have an hour or so to prepare a packed lunch etc etc and excavate my binoculars. I'm pretty sure I know which room they're in, which is always a good start.

Hard not to smile...

... at this. Source and snippet:

The New Atheists, it seems to me, have outraged the religious establishment by following the lead of the child who sees the Emperor parading along in his alleged new clothes. They have had the effrontery to announce that He is naked, whereupon the critics complain that the boy doesn't appreciate His detailed theological embroidery, hasn't adequately studied the intricacy of invisible clothmaking, or invested the requisite years of hard-headed analysis required to understand why apparent nakedness is actually a special kind of ultra-sophisticated vestment.

David Barash in the Chronicle

Nice picture, too :-)

The Owl and the Pussycat...

... may have gone to sea with some honey and plenty of money, wrapped up in a £5 note. I'm taking the precaution of an extra £20 note since checking the current admission fee at Abbotsbury — a penny or so short of a tenner. I await my chauffeur...

For the last time, Cyril...

... I did not see any signs saying "Swans only". Just keep your head down and your beak shut. And don't panic — they're bigger than we are and there's far too many of 'em. I don't want any trouble.


I think it's fair to say I now have enough photos of swans to keep me going for a bit. No sign of the American flamingo we noted on my last visit back in May 2004, but we did see one of the four black swans that are now in residence. Brian drove back via Cerne Abbas to show me the giant chalk figure. A nice expotition. (And I bluffed a 50p reduction on our tickets by flashing an IBM Retiree card.)

I'd almost forgotten how much fun an image-stabilised telephoto lens can be:


While I was out...

... Mr Postie came a'knockin'...


Plus a copy of the book upon which the film "Must like dogs" was based. Good stuff.



1  This despite the way I've been noticing the years pile sneakily up on you.