2011 — 25 April: Monday

Since it's technically a holiday, and since I'm on holiday every day, let's have a holiday snap of Christa! This one is from the summer of 1975 on the UK's Golden Riviera. (Mind you, it was fairly dull weather at the time.)


Still, 36 years later it's yet another sunny morning.1 I've a spot of supplies shopping to contemplate, and the car needs a drink. Apart from that, the day is (as it were) my oyster. It's 10:10 and not too hot.

Plans are forming...

... for an avian expotition to see the swans at Abbotsbury. Christa and I had intended to make a return visit there in the Spring of 2007 but, alas, her illness derailed the trip. Last time we were there I also spotted a Bhutan pine in the nearby "subtropical" gardens.

As I said to Carol at the time (16 May 2004)... Anything that looks that much like a tree-dwelling hedgehog


deserves a place in our garden, don't you think? Christa had taken Carol down to Abbotsbury quite some years ago now. Time continues to fly madly by. It's now 12:24 and chores are chored. I even have dear Mama's next bottle of hooch.

I think the opposite...

... of "immaculate" could fairly be applied to this rather scruffy pink chap. Click the pic for an enlargement.

Pink tulip

It's 17:01 and the hooch has been safely delivered, and sampled. I've also been reading about the Carrington event. Such good fun.

Should you ever...

... need an example of a film that's both compelling and depressing at the same time, you could do worse than watch the documentary "Into Eternity" about the Finnish nuclear waste repository under construction at Onkalo. Sweet dreams, for 100,000 years to come :-)




1  Though Mike was telling me yesterday that reservoirs are already running dry. Didn't stop one of my neighbours watering his weeds last night, I notice.