2007 — 20 June: Attack of the plant proteins
Pollen just doesn't know when to stop. <Sigh>
Today's delivery knock at 8 o'clock was for flowers from Her employer. <Sigh>
I've noticed flowers shed pollen...
Oh dear... department
Given that delicious quote from Monsieur Zola yesterday, it's more than a little disappointing (listening to this morning's Woman's Hour on the BBC) to hear Watergate hero Carl Bernstein describing the devout Methodism of Hillary Clinton. (Nothing against Methodism, but I wouldn't like my son to marry one!)
Well, fancy that... department
My new hobby — while re-ripping a tedious mountain (1,254 and counting) of accumulated CDs, (many [it seems] for the first time) — is reading the "sleeve" notes1 (many [it seems] also for the first time) wherein I am now learning all sorts of arcane information. (Much unverifiable, I suspect, at this historic remove.) Today's cocked eyebrow award goes to Gordon Peacock, who informs me that Sonja Kristina "cracked the charts" from within the cast of Hair by 1978. Silly me; and all this time I thought she'd cracked the charts much earlier with her warbling in Curved Air. Best of all, this information accompanies the 1987 release of a Marsha Hunt collection: Walk on gilded splinters.
My abiding memory of this particular large-haired lady (Marsha, not Sonja!) is the ungilded wooden splinter (how appropriate!) I picked up in my bum, from the floor of the Hatfield Polytechnic refectory, when she commanded us all to sit down while she was the support act to the Pink Floyd in (if memory can be trusted) 1972 while they were busily refining what was to become The Dark Side of the Moon.
My other hobby, by the way, is filling in IBM Pensions Trust Beneficiary Nomination Forms for the Trustee to use "when deciding how to allocate any lump sum death benefits payable in the event of a retiree's death."2
In her element... department
Nothing like a good paddle to clear the brain, heh?