2007 — Day 66 - best man? me?
My brother, who surely lacks my imagination, nominated me to be his best man on this day in 1972. Happy anni, big bro! May all your corks be well-screwed.3
More to come department
Cast your mind back to Day 61 — oh, alright then: here. I think I've found a better Easter Island likeness:
Coincidence? I don't think so
So I'm listening to "Morning Edition" from NPR news and a piece about Bob Seger's new album when Mr Postie pops the following DVD through the letterbox:
- An inconvenient truth
Come the Revolution
When October Books relocated to Portswood it was no longer on our/my beaten track. However, now that Waitrose4 has also moved there from the West Quay temple of Mammon, She who must be adored decided it was time to go look-see. Hence, a most fruitful browse for me (not including the pomegranate she bought me):
- disinformation — the interviews by Richard Metzger. I'd almost forgotten this late-night, short-lived Channel 4 show
- The case of the not-so-nice nurse by Mabel Maney. A delicious parody blending children's fiction and the lesbian mystery genre
- BallBuster? by Bertell Ollman, the New York academic who recounts here his travails with the board game "Class Struggle" that he invented and marketed as a counterweight to "Monopoly"
- Last chance to eat by Gina Mallet. Part memoir, part social history, part polemic, and part recipe book
- The everlasting story of Nory by Nicholson Baker. He's turned his technique of microscopic examination upon the inner workings of a nine year old American girl attending a school in England
- There's no such thing as Free Speech by Stanley Fish. I expect everyone else read this back in 1994 — I didn't!
- Snatches by Guardian cartoonist Martin Rowson
Oh, and a nice "Fair Trade" bag to put this lot in, too.