2006 — Day 5 - going? going? gone!
Later today we're off to an auctioneer. First, however, it's time for bed!
Aah. The pleasure of an unbroken night's sleep. I could get quite used to it. But now we just had sprightly 94-year-old Gordon Cox round, with his annual request for Christa to translate a few words for twin town war memorial services purposes. Veterans apparently demand ever-shorter speeches...
Plus, there's always time for yet another (minor) rework of the A/V system. Windows Media Center 2005 edition: shall I count the ways in which you're deficient? Never mind, the new HP/Intel Viiv Media PC is doing fine as a "normal" PC — thank you, IBM, for subsidising it so generously that it actually became quite seriously good value for money.
In later news
Nothing lasts forever, be it our illusions about the resale value of ancient jewellery and cutlery, the central heating system, or my patience with cold-calling sales people. I suppose it's official: I am now indeed a grumpy old man.