2015 — 29 May: Friday

Well, it's not exactly sunny this morning1 but I should be able to fit in a (fresh) supplies run and an afternoon tea'n'biccie in between all the other stuff.

I still...

... get a considerable kick out of "Le Sacre" even if it is 102 years since the Parisian première today. I bought the first of my [pause, for a quick'n'dirty search] dozen or more variant recordings in 1971. I could never understand why my parents didn't seem to regard it as "music", yet were perfectly cool with other, older, Russian composers. It takes all sorts, as Dad used to say.

I concede...

... that a working definition of "completeist" might attach to a chap who bought an SF anthology for the sake of, erm, completeness...

The missing Edmund Crispin book

... even though most of the stories it contains can already be found elsewhere on a chap's shelves — if a chap merely knows where to look.

I shall ignore Hampshire's "yellow warning" of wind and rain and enjoy another cuppa and my pre-late-lunch 'lemonses' while the Yaris gets an automatic car wash. The childhood reason I cite here for liking the sound of rain splatting against a window remains perfectly valid. As long as it doesn't make its way inside.

Now that...

... those two cheques representing parts of dear Mama's estate have finally cleared I've been able to move the money out of my current a/c and pop it somewhere a bit more, erm, interesting. While doing so, I was reminded of Dan Quayle's delicious quote:

Bank failures are caused by depositors who don't deposit enough money to cover losses due to mismanagement.

Date: 2008

As the saying goes: "I have found some of the best reasons I ever had for remaining at the bottom simply by looking at the men at the top".

In just over...

... three weeks, it's the summer solstice. Blimey! Why does it feel like time passes ever more quickly? Most odd, and not in a good way.



1  And I've just had to shut my patio door to keep out a neighbour's curious cat.