2015 — 9 March: Monday

It takes only 30 seconds or so1 to send FileZilla (the webserver file transfer tool) scooting over to the most distant virtual workspace, #6, the pluma text file editor along to #5, the Firefox web browser to #2, and to leave the Thunderbird email client in #1 (where they all just auto-started) leaving workspaces #3 and #4 nicely vacant for later audio and graphics use. Hardly seems worth bothering to find out if they can be persuaded to auto-start already 'dispersed', does it?

My new graphics card...

... literally reveals itself, as it were, in the way that each virtual workspace — no matter how busily cluttered it is — now "paints" back on to the 4K display essentially instantaneously...

comparison pixel data rate

... well, 740% faster (theoretically) than the previous card (which was already pretty fast, but showing signs of struggling a little with the 4K screen) as I switch between workspaces by clicking on the corresponding space up on the top panel where the, erm, ...

Workspace Switcher

... lurks. And I note, from its copyright date, this wonderfully useful facility been doing its job for the last 13 years during which time Windows has singularly failed to get its act together and manage this particular trick on any version I've ever used. Amazing.

Tea, breakfast, and another stroll in the fresh air are my immediate order of business today. Where's that kettle? I shall spare you from the sixth mishap with my arch domestic Nemesis — my old adversary, the ghastly U-bend under the kitchen sink.

It's now 19:48 or so

If you can read this, it shows I'm back, and back on the 'air'. Today's amazing / bemusing catalogue of errors and mis-steps may yet be revealed but, since all I've eaten since breakfast is precisely one, hastily-assembled (but delicious) marmalade sandwich, a quick meal is the more urgent remaining business of the remainder of today.

Probably a soothing hot bath, too :-)



1  Even in my dopey morning state (is there any other kind?)