2014 — 21 November: Friday
I see the Benighted Kingdom's favourite blood sport1 is getting into the swing of things.
... I'm already back from the morning's quest to re-fill Mother Hubbard's cupboard for the weekend. Slightly more entertaining than last night's second attempt at viewing "The Parole Officer" (despite the presence in it of a young 'Cersei Lannister', too!) I must learn to stop believing the studio publicity blurbs. Actually you'd think I had, by now.
It's cool, grey, and a bit drizzly out there. It's warm, light, and time for a pre-breakfast cuppa in here. I've left the car out, however, partly to discourage people from parking right opposite my driveway and partly in case inspiration strikes and I decide to nip out anywhere. [Pause] The drizzle is now (10:47 or so) a much less enticing rain. Horrid month. I shall curl up with a good book. If I can find one.
Nice music
"Composer of the Week" has been very much to my taste this week :-)
Having driven...
... around via my favourite go-juice shop, and then having noted the traffic, I decided against any further adventures and took a shortish cut back here, sharpish. Just in time to catch Mr Postie stuffing yet another "Bibliophile" mail-order catalogue through my door. I cannot now remember the last time I actually bought a book from them. And I seem to have three or four of their catalogues, still shrink-wrapped, precisely where I've just dropped this new one.
If my books database can be believed — can you believe a hand-edited ASCII text flat file? — I've only bought 69 books this year. And five of them were only bits of Kindle-published Austen fan-fiction, so I doubt they "count" :-)
I was pleasantly...
... surprised, during last night's "The Essay" by Andrew Martin, to hear him give a plug to both Meccano and to Matthew Crawford's book "The Case for Working with your Hands". Both are excellent. I first encountered the former when I was about six years old, and the latter in (among other places) a piece in the New Yorker a few (!) years later.
Lovely to hear...
... Emma Kirkby chatting away in the "In Tune" studio. I still think that her Abbess Hildegard of Bingen recording is almost without equal; after many years, too.
I won't...
... be spending too much time here. Talk about "superficial". 'Twas ever thus, alas.