2014 — 19 November: Wednesday

Whee! This is clearly my lucky day. Good ol' Microsoft has just handed over 720MB of free software. Furthermore, they have clearly learned some lessons from the disgraceful fiasco that was their extremely messy Win8.1 "Update 1" last April.

Support roll-up

So it's a Service Pack in all but name. I approve of Service Packs. It also explains why it's now already well past 10:45 of course but, heh, I'm retired.1 I must say, it's handy having the SHIELD Tablet PC to hand for emails while BlackBeast is busily chewing over its unexpected breakfast, too. "Lollipop" is still looking good.

Having been left...

... with a head reeling from the switch, on the UK's national radio news, from a truncated discussion of NHS funding to the topic of beer and pub tenancy agreements, I've given up and retreated to NPR. And besides, it's time to sort out a bite to eat for lunch. [Pause] Following which, I can set my head reeling again by reminding myself that I paid $99-99 for the complete "Pallisers" back in April 2001. Still, we watched it together, and enjoyed doing so. Not sure I still have the patience to tackle either the six books or the 22+ hours of Simon Raven's BBC TV adaptation2 again, though.

There's something very sad about Tchaikovsky conducting his 6th Symphony only once, and dying nine days later. You may deduce I have also fled NPR.

And here I am...

... back at Technology Towers, where it's warm and light, whereas outside it's cold and dark. And the roads are crowded. Time already to start thinking about my evening meal, and then some evening entertainment. But first? A nice, hot cuppa, methinks. That should go down nicely.

It's pleasingly apparent that XKCD is a fan of the Good Doctor, and Multivac:

The key question?



1  Indeed, I shall be grabbing tea and biccies with another pensioner and his good lady later on today :-)
2  As reported by his biographer Michael Barber in 1996, Raven wrote wickedly in March 1973: Trollope goes into production (d.v.) on May 1, and is now scheduled for transmission from January '74... a delay of nearly 18 months on the original schedule, caused by breath-taking incompetence of BBC arrangements for casting and shooting... I have 'flu, spots, diarrhoea, impotence, piles and tooth-ache. I couldn't drink my whisky last night and have not seen my cock for a month. Nor do I want to.