2014 — 2 November: Sunday
It amuses me1 to think that I have lived long enough to see "Zap Comix" become a cultural icon and a coffee table boxed set. The New York Times (which emailed me to suggest for the umpteenth time that I try a trial subscription as I was reading their piece by Dana Jennings) does 'em proud. Though the late Rick Griffin's quote strikes me as the most accurate:
"They weren't really comics. They just looked like comics."
Nailed it. Though I won't be forking out the $500 asking price. Besides, depending how you count, I already have 14 of the issues. #16 will (it's claimed) be the final one. It has a fabulous cover by Robert Crumb — no change there, then.
It doesn't amuse me...
... to learn (from the 'business / media' section of that same, fine, news organ) that — regarding the merits (or demerits) of Christopher Nolan's new film:
Whatever happened to making up your own mind? Meanwhile, it's raining out there. Time (07:38) for my next cuppa, obviously.
... has just redeemed herself by playing the whole of the Stan Tracey track she truncated last week: Starless and Bible Black. However, my repeated attempts to download a 1995 Portishead concert from an earlier "Live Hour" show are currently timing out after several partial downloads. Grrr. Need some tea. [Pause for same.] She's just told me that the French equivalent of "pushing up the daisies" is "eating the dandelions from the root". How Gallic is that?
When does it go?
Today marks the end of eight full years of retirement. Crikey :-)
I wish I knew what the attraction of fireworks is. On an otherwise quiet Sunday evening.