2012 — 30 December: Sunday

There are many worse things to wake up to in these direly-straitened times than to hear Tom Waits asserting that "the piano has been drinking". Actually, the first thing that perked me up was — of all things — the Win8 splash screen, since it was on that that I discovered (in dirty great big letters that even I could focus on before my initial cuppa) it's not the Monday I was blearily convinced it was, but only Sunday. And since Sundays on BBC 6Music are generally stuffed full of musical delights this hasta be a Good Thing, right?

Speaking of which, I've been vaguely wondering1 about writing one of those "Look what happened to me / look what I did this year" items. But given that each day of Life in reasonable health is already a priceless gift to be savoured to the full, I'd say that the acquisition and fitting of a new patio door after 31 years — even if one that yields easily to fingertip control rather than requiring a potentially shoulder-dislocating shove2 designed to deter all but the most enthusiastic seekers after fresh air and birdsong from the back jungle — is, on mature reflection, perhaps only one of the more minor highlights.

Well, that and the exciting new kettle. Not terribly rivetting stuff, somehow :-)

Is it time for breakfast yet? After all, the moon is just disappearing below one of the houses at the front, and the sun looks about ready (Dawn's roseate fingers etc) to appear above one of the houses at the back and wash out the view of my screen. Time to stew a plum or two.

Demolishing management myths

This still strikes me — on immature reflection — as rather clever...

An i in team


There seems to be a slight smidgen of the dreaded norovirus swirling around the edges, at least, of some of my network of chums. (And not just in dear Mama's care-home.) I shall be keeping the hatches hereabouts firmly battened down for a bit. Illness is such a terribly good reminder of mortality... I don't feel I'm obliged to go out looking for it.


I thought it was taking quite a while to work my way through letter "P" MP3 files. Turns out there are 3,162 of the blighters. Or about 10.5 days solid listening. (It's not quite all Pink Floyd.)


Having heard Jarvis Cocker play it, I've just found, paid for, and downloaded, the single "The Decline of English Murder" by, of all people, Alan Moore. Powerful stuff. Right. Time for a spot of tiffin, methinks. Blimey, it's pitch dark out there. When did that happen? Must have been when I wasn't looking...



1  Leaving it a bit late, aren't we, David? Oh, shut up. Just remember what Lynne Truss had to say about the things. (Thanks for the tip-off, Len!)
2  Not to mention ear defenders.