2012 — 16 June: Saturday
Yesterday evening, I was once again checking1 one of my preferred Internet watering holes for any sign of a CD release of Hunter Muskett's sublime second album2 only to discover plans are afoot to re-issue the first3 two ELP albums in what looks to be similar format to the recent (magnificent) reworking / re-engineering of the early King Crimson material (CD and DVD audio).
Not that I'm the sort of desperately sad prog rocker who heartily despised 99% of punk in any shape or form. Nor who just spent the last few minutes painstakingly capturing and carefully rebuilding the above sleeve from four views separately zoomed on Amazon's pre-order page (in much the same way4 I had to with that Robert Crumb "Genesis" artwork many moons ago).
No. Not me. You must be thinking of my invisible evil twin brother. Yeah, right. And, no, I don't know the name of the decorative font (for once). It's certainly not one I would ever use. Is it time for breakfast yet? Nurse? Nurse? Keep that needle away from me...
Ol' Mother Hubbard...
... should have no cause for complaint about the state of her cupboard for a while, at least. The Waitrose car park was pleasingly sparsely-packed, too, at just a few minutes after the 08:00 opening. Not only is it nearly midsummer, it's not even raining out there at the moment. I shall now kick back with (another) cuppa and the second half of Brian Matthew's always-pleasing record choices. Then unload the washing machine before that breakfast finally beckons, methinks. What a life, heh?
V-bomb alert
Remind me not to relocate to Michigan:
I can't help wondering what they'd make of either of these excellent titles.
One lurks, safely and inoffensively hidden, behind the other. Art imitating life, perhaps :-)
Did I mention...
... my new favourite application program? Poikosoft's Easy CD Extractor has a built-in meta data tag editor that is making my present task much easier.
The occasionally disgraceful behaviour of Windows Explorer, by contrast, continues to bemuse me. Mr Postie dropped off a DVD from across the Pond earlier today and, as usual, I scanned the cover artwork, generating a reduced size JPEG file to pop into a Xara graphic, from which to generate the image and drop shadow you see here:
Except that, when I saved the starting JPEG (as usual) to the Desktop temporarily... there it wasn't. Except that, there it was (in the sense that I could find it on the system drive, under my user name and desktop location) but there it wasn't (in the sense that it was invisible). I ended up regenerating the same file, and re-exporting it to the Desktop, whereupon it beeped in mild protest and asked me to confirm that I wished to over-write my invisible file.
I did, I said 'yes', and bingo! Suddenly it appeared visibly on my Desktop. Go figure. [Pause] A guru tells me it's a bug that's been known for about a year. Though how such a fundamental part of the OS interface can still be buggy at this late date is a real puzzle. No, hang on. It's Microsoft... what was I thinking?
I realise it's only a few minutes after 22:00 but my cream is essentially crackered, as it were. (I woke up shortly after 05:00 this morning and have been pottering steadily around since then.) So... g'night. And GWATCDR there's a tentative plan for a walk tomorrow.