2012 — 27 May: Sunday

The discreet little 'point d'exclamation' on my Google Apps dashboard1 suggested the possibility of trouble at t'email mill this morning but — judging by the 16 overnight lumps of spam that splattered into the filtration system — all is normal hereabouts. I've a little over an hour to shovel in some brekkie, ablute, dress, and make my way to today's walking rendezvous.

A mere 23.9C down here in the living room, but sunny outside. Curtain up. Let the revels commence.

Life imitates art?

I didn't even know the Pope had a butler, but the chap in question is now languishing in a Vatican cell...


Will the tabloids be able to resist the obvious headline if he's convicted?

We've decided...

... that ending a walk on a warm day with a cooling pint is a jolly fine idea. By setting off a little earlier we probably managed to dodge some of the therms, too. It's now 13:35 and I'm freshly showered and laundering and (snack)-lunched. And wincing at the pronunciation of "nuclear" as "nucular" by the ignorant young chap reading a BBC 6Music news bulletin. Not that the prospect of five Iranian 'nucular' weapons doesn't also tend to encourage wincing, of course.

Not for the first...

... time, the music on 6Music has been fabulous. At the moment, Tom Robinson is having a bit of a Moog evening. It's been a constant background as I reinstate my DVDO Edge video scaler. I've kept the Oppo Blu-ray player out of the loop as, with its "Source direct", it can make slightly better use of the VRS chipset than the external scaler manages. But the Panasonic Blu-ray, the Netgear media player, and the Humax hi-def Freesat box all have little foibles that can benefit from a bit of tweaking.

I've also removed the Tablet PC and (at least until the DisplayPort adapter arrives) the video side of BlackBeast from my system. Who knows? I may even update the system diagram.

Having finished off Season #4 of the zany thrill that is "True Blood" it's definitely time for bed. G'night.



1  Easily overlooked.