2012 — 23 March: Friday

Mostly, the world strikes me as pretty odd. Some days, it strikes me as not upleft peculiar. Who, for example, would wish to fork out $1,500 for a Delft tea pot of ...

Aleister Crowley

... this fine, upstanding citizen?1

Apparently, Otterbourne held the record yesterday (20.1C) for warmest 22nd March "since records began". That would explain my urge to switch on the A/C as I drove over to dear Mama.

One of the many...

... lessons Christa failed to pass on before she left me here in the dust of Life's Highway was to watch out for the truly bizarre driving behaviour on display early on a Friday morning as the weekend-prep shoppers clash with the crop of "legless children need a lift to school" brigade and the "of course he'll stop since I've already stepped on to the road, can't he see that?" suicide-inclined young Goths on roads that would be plenty big enough if only everyone kept their cars in their garages.



Having set a major lifestyle change in motion yesterday (the new jeans) I figured why not go for broke? So, instead of my choc digestives, I've opted for choc hobnobs. I've also turned down the thermostat and opened a window... let the sunshine in!

I mentioned (some while ago) the wonderful Blues track "I've been scorned", as performed by John Dummer's Ooblee Dooblee band. I've just heard a vastly different rendition by Jo Ann Kelly on the third CD of the "All the Blues you need" box set. Magic. Meanwhile, Mr Postie has just dropped off my next 52 hours (and three minutes) of televisual distraction...


... Opinions vary on how much compression it has undergone to fit on to 11 DVDs, but if I'd recorded it myself off-air when it was being broadcast it would only be on VHS. 'Nuff said.

Somewhat later

Lunch was lunched. Then in late afternoon I visited Roger and Eileen, followed by Len. (Free tea and biccies — where's the harm in that?) Next thing I know, it seems to be 21:37 and the weekend is about to start. Though quite how a time-rich pensioner differentiates between a weekday and a weekend remains a mystery to me. Apart from the change in the traffic patterns, I suppose.

There's a piece in the latest Private Eye about the architectural vandalism now occurring in Christchurch, NZ, in the wake of all the earthquake nastiness. I suspect Big Bro might be interested (having lived there for a couple of decades or so). I shall fire up my scanner (having [so far] been far too indolent to re-install my OCR software) and drop him a little billet-doux.



1  I wonder if this is the piece in Geena Davis' collection?