2012 — 17 March: Saturday
The predicted rain is doing its predictable thing.1 So, too, is Brian Matthew with his "Sounds of the 60s". And my initial cuppa is cooling towards drinkability as I type. The battle scars from yesterday's cheeky skirmish with Nurse J are fading, and the site of the excavation is now smooth to the touch. On with the day. Could start by getting dressed, I guess.
I need little or no encouragement to buy yet another book from Taschen, even if it contains stuff as silly as this:
Not that I recognise the content of every 'box'. Oh no, not me. I'm with the one in the bottom left hand corner. The original appeared in the New York Times in 2008.
I've just read the entire week of "Doonesbury" and the Texan mandatory trans-vaginal sonograms. Trudeau is a genius. I sadly cannot reach the same conclusion about Texan legislators.
How did it...
... get to be 19:26, and me with a still-empty tum? This will never do :-)