2012 — 23 February: Thursday

Ian Dury's "Reasons to be cheerful, Part 3"1 is very hard to dislike. It's 07:19 and my morning cuppa is piping hot.

It all began...

... innocently enough. There I was, enjoying a nicely-written piece on Romance Novels...

[jay] Dixon makes a persuasive case that the romance heroine draws her man into the domestic sphere, the realm of women, of home, in order to resolve their differences and establish sex with love as the central principle in their lives. Actually, both lovers must alter their earlier prejudices to create a working alliance where sexualized love can flourish, cf. the grandmamma of all romance novels, Pride and Prejudice.

Maria Bustillos in The Awl

Aside. Given how very much I now enjoy (most) of Jane Austen's work, is now a good time to admit how much I also enjoyed this?


So, naturally, I started browsing around "The Awl" to see what else I could find. Skipping (hastily) past the "Golden Age of Dirty Talk" (link, if you insist) I alighted on the little gem you can find 'underneath' this Venn diagram...

Cool Geeks

Not to mention an entire infographic. Time for breakfast, obviously.

Moody Blues

Having put my external USB hard drive (SATA) cradle to good, diagnostic use and isolated the failing 'music' hard drive (which completely failed to make itself known to BlackBeast this morning, having first let me down a couple of days ago) I'm now off In Search (as it were) of the Lost Chord. I don't doubt I'll be more than ready for lunch by the time I return.


Well, I still hate being a widower, but I relish being retired, and I still get a child-like thrill at being free and able to hop into my car and just drive over to the End of the Hedge, even if all I've confirmed is that hard drives are still in supply constraint because of the floods in Thailand. I can wait a while longer for prices to come back down. [Pause] And now, at 18:32, it's time to make my evening meal, copy across the last of the MP3s from the dubious drive, digest the delicious éclair I was treated to at the Roger & Eileen teahouse, and contemplate my evening's entertainment.



1  Thank you, BBC 6Music.