2012 — 22 February: Wednesday

Guess who managed to forget it was Pancake Day yesterday?1 No matter. The simple beef sandwich and messy mango went down nicely. Even if I did bump my head (I have the lump this morning to prove it) on a kitchen cupboard.

Today, after lunch, we'll be taking Len's Android Tablet PC over to Andrew in Winchester. Let's hope he still remembers his wireless network password — he did a couple of months ago when I was demonstrating my own Tablet PC to him in his living room.

Times change

Hang on a tick. Wasn't this the crucial feature of the project that eventually became Facebook?

Hate Content

Just askin'.


I'd not heard this one:

I suppose the contemporary version of that déformation professionelle is the person who wanders around with a computer perpetually linked to Google and who therefore believes he knows everything. It reminds one of the old complaint about students at the elite French universities: They know everything, it was said; unfortunately that is all they know.

Roger Kimball in Weekly Standard

Nor do I have a clue what the "designated hitter rule" is about. Right. Time I wasn't here...

Lunch, at...

... the "King Rufus", followed by a hop over to install the Tablet PC at Andrew's (thanks for the coffee and biccies), followed by a cuppa back at Technology Towers and, before you know it, it's getting jolly near tea time. Mr Postie dropped off the new PJ Harvey CD but I've only played a couple of tracks so far. A nasty, cool, drizzly day — ideal for not walking, to be honest. Maybe tomorrow? [Pause] Nope. We've decided to postpone until Saturday.



1  And me with a pack of the things in my fridge, too. Tut, tut.