2011 — 26 November: Saturday
A satisfactorily later start to my day,1 with the first few minutes spent downloading about 1GB of graphics card updates. Having done that, I figured I might as well read the help info to see if I'm missing out on anything. The updates generally deal with games-related issues (and I don't venture into that world2) but it turns out that the Hydravision component lets you have up to nine virtual desktops. I think I can probably find some use for that.
I have a late afternoon / early evening house chilling event to look forward to (if that's the opposite of a house warming) over in Landford. I wonder if I remember the route without resorting to my (nowadays largely-dormant) sat-nav dominatrix? How lost can one chap get?
Almost the opening remark by the sainted John Cleese on his "Alimony Tour" show I enjoyed last night was to say that his audience were probably all thinking "I had no idea he was so old". I must admit the thought had flickered across my own mind, too, when he stepped out on to the stage. One doesn't generally feel old "inside" (well, I don't) but when I met up with my wage slave chums in the IBM Clubhouse a couple of days ago I mentioned at one point (largely in jest) that perhaps I could borrow one or other of their youngest daughters for temporary use as a "Twilight beard". Talk about "Out of the mouths of babes and innocents". It seems my name had already come up in conversation in one of the families earlier that week:
David? Is he the old man who used to be married to Christa?
Guilty as charged :-)
It is a truth...
... universally — albeit reluctantly — acknowledged that a chap, having scanned every damn' bookshelf in the entire house, twice (or more), in the last hour, is either going mad (possible) or has failed to unpack at least one storage carton of books. I have it in mind to pass along a duplicate copy of a little item to Cathy today as it's her birthday in a couple of days. But can I find the batch (of Taschen artist monographs) of which this item is a duplicate?
At least Mr Postie dropped off a pleasant soundtrack accompaniment to my fruitless searching:
Time for a bite of lunch. While I ponder the reason for my broken image... Pah! Only broken when viewed with Firefox. Go figure.
Back from the wilds...
... of Wiltshire after a pleasant drink, snack, and chats with some auld acquaintances. I like motorways with light traffic. Oh, and I found the books in time to be able to take the duplicate over with me. The little devils were parked behind taller ones on a wide shelf, cunningly concealed from casual view.
There's a walk on the cards tomorrow, which will do much to dispel the cobwebs.