2011 — 19 March: Saturday
Two of my favourite relatives1 share a birthday today. My, how Time flies!
It's 09:20 already, the sun is shining, and the tum as yet unfilled. Tick tock.
As Mr Bennett...
... remarks, for what do we live if not in order to provide amusement to our neighbours and friends? During this morning's pleasantly sunny walk I learned that there's a BIOS setting2 specifically to cater for the Case of the Missing Keyboard. A PS/2-connected keyboard (as I was using yesterday) cannot be hot-plugged to replace it whereas a USB-connected one can be. So I could "simply" have plugged in such a keyboard to any spare port and resumed. However, say I, sucking my sour grape, I wanted a new keyboard with better markings in any case.
Meanwhile, as I ponder my lunchy options, I'm charging the new Garmin satnav out in the hallway (from) where, oddly, it has managed to detect a whole raft of satellites. It's 13:22 and the cuppa is very welcome after a nice, hot shower. Is this the life?
Despite having scraped...
... ice off the windscreen four and a half hours ago, there were...
... definitely signs of Spring to be seen on today's walk. Not to mention this charming set of young porkers:
My thanks to Mike for both sets of pixels. Though quite why Google Mail (on scanning his email with the attached images) chose to advertise a Peruvian Inca trail escapes me. What's the thinking there?
This afternoon's reading...
... while listening to BBC Radio 3's jazz (of course) which has just ended, and supping a cuppa (of course) is the old friend on the right:
Not that I'm a completeist (of course) but I could have opted for the earlier, shorter, version shown on the left — and last read on 14th January 1971.
As for my video entertainment later this evening... currently I'm thinking it will be the Blu-ray Mike obtained for me from one of his el cheapo suppliers:
Report to follow. Meanwhile, it's still (17:04) sunny, though cool. And the sky is blue. A nice day, in fact.
Nearly two hours of my life gone while registering, and updating, both the firmware and the mapping data on my new dominatrix. Firefox RC4 is no use for this, and nor is Chrome. I had to fall back on IE9, dammit. Bit of a shocker when it told me "This process could take several hours. Thank you for your patience." They have also failed to test the process where you already have an earlier unit registered with them. Badly-written and/or poorly-tested software can be really irritating.
Right. It's 22:12 — time for that film.