2011 — 18 March: Friday
It's probably a terrible cliché1 to say that the TV series "Weeds" goes from strength to strength, but now I'm left wondering how Jenji Kohan can possibly top her previous work. Remarkable.
It's 01:00 and sleep is now high on my agenda. G'night.
I love the smell of...
... a PC paradox in the morning. I mean, I know they're terribly complicated things — what with all those nuts and bolts and coloured wires and fans, not to mention switches2 and cable ties — but the way all this hi-tech complexity can be reduced to worthless immobility by a single line of code gets me every time.
This morning's example from a lame excuse of a so-called programmer? Guess what happens if, during the initial booting after pressing the power switch, the (at that point, admittedly fairly-brainless) system decides it cannot find either a PS/2 or USB-connected keyboard? That's right; it freezes, displaying an extremely helpful message:
Press F1 to continue or ESC to enter BIOS setup
Still, I suppose it's not really much worse than being told to use your phone to report a fault with your phone. If you can read this, as they say, you can safely assume the problem wasn't insurmountable. Time (08:32) for my next cuppa, Mrs Landingham.
Since yesterday's tiny spot of hi-tech tomfoolery I was obscurely pleased to learn (overnight) that Big Bro bought himself exactly the same make and model of new scanner many months ago and — more to the point — writes highly of it. And him with that nice Nikon Coolscan slide scanner, too. Good!
Let me out
I watched "Let me in" last night. It's a perfectly acceptable film on its own merits, but I still think the Swedish original (as I said here) also hits the spot and got there earlier.
Let me back in
Since I'd already decided to get a new, less-shiny keyboard, and since I now realise there's a bigger "Halfords" right opposite the keyboard shop, I'm now back (again) (through horrible motorway spray) (from the End of the Hedge) with my new dominatrix, too. She's a beaut with a 5" widescreen and some cool facilities. Another Garmin — the 1410, for a penny less than £130. I'm sure she would have been cheaper online, but I wanted to fondle her first.
These April showers are jumping the gun a bit. It's 11:22 and my next cuppa is brewing. [Pause] The new mouse (came with the Logik keyboard) needs a bit of taming to make it less jumpy. Yet another restart...
You don't say?
It reminds me of one of my favourite cartoons where, at a rainy graveside, an IT exec is asking the grieving widow if her late husband ever mentioned "source code"?
All of the machines that support these two JDKs are actually 64-bit iron, but there are a lot of applications out there in Mainframe Land that are still running in 31-bit mode, and hence the need to have two versions of the JDK. (If it works, mainframe shops leave it alone. In a lot of cases, the guy or gal who wrote a CICS application is retired or dead.)
While I hesitate to...
... suggest anything as crass as my faulty bookshelf supplier paying yet another refund into my credit card account, I'm not quite yet sure why my "available to spend" amount currently exceeds my "credit limit" amount. Still, it makes a change, I guess. Time (15:10) to whizz over to Roger and Eileen with a sweetmeat or two and to blag my next cuppa. I thought it better to spare them from my virus last week. Meanwhile, it seems Junior may now show up on Sunday or Monday. Watch this space.
Having (completely) failed...
... to capture a shot of the very bright moon, here's another daffodil from earlier in the week. Click the pic for a bigger image:
It's 23:06 and I recently finished watching "Purple Violets". It was OK. I shall turn in soon as we now have a walk arranged for the morning.