2009 — 5 September: Saturday

Tonight's picture of Christa shows her peeping out of the doorway to Peter's room in the Old Windsor house, again in 1977:

Christa in 1977

I'm drooping here... it seems to have become 01:22 already. Just finished watching In the Loop followed by the various extras. Excellent stuff. G'night.

A cool...

... but sunny start, at 09:04 or so. Where's that cuppa?

Well, what a relief!

Just what the world has been waiting for:


(Oh, the fun I could have had teasing Christa!)

There's an interesting essay here from the chap who gave us "Media Virus". Economics is not natural science — but then, what is?

New boots and...?

Having got my new pair of hiking shoes (sort of trainers but with a boot-like aspect to the construction) I now have a shopping date with Mike in "Cotswold Camping" this afternoon to see if I can't do a bit better in the lightweight waterproof jacket line. My traffic light red jacket has a tendency to broil me alive in anything above sub-zero temperatures. Nor does it fold very compactly.

My old boots have just gone into the bin, alongside the rucksack that Big Bro left behind a year ago after he'd managed to render its main zip non-functional. I've fiddled with it from time to time, but have now admitted defeat. Zips are too clever by half. It's 11:11 — must be time for "lemonses". And where has Mr Postie got to, I wonder?

I see I have a small pile of incoming goodies to mention. Not so small, actually. It's been a while. But first, time to get ready for the great outdoors. What's happened to the sun? It's 13:36 and there's some lovely stuff playing. Like the man said at the start of the programme: "Eustache du Caurroy... who he?"

Since when...

... did it become "OK" for audiences to applaud individual movements of a symphony? I don't remember getting that memo. Case in point: tonight's Dvorak. Still, it was preceded by a lovely little chat about Gerard Hoffnung. He died 50 years ago, dammit!