2009 — 30 January: Friday

The usual routine at the moment: nearly time for the last pill of the day — and time for tonight's picture of Christa, dating (this time) back to September 1975:

Christa on our honeymoon in Cornwall, 1975

I was a very lucky man.

G'night, somewhat after midnight. Wonder if we'll get that forecast heavy rain this time? Probably...

Eight points of articulation

My first, bleary-eyed, thought was "Well, at least that's half a dozen more than Dubya!"


Time for breakfast — it's already 10:29...


... it's now fast approaching 14:00 and my next decision is do I pop down into town? I can't think of any reason not to, having been nicely lunched at Poppies and seen the traffic isn't too bad. Plus, it's still not raining. A life on the open road for me...

So... it's 18:30, I've long been back (safely ahead of the usual Friday crush, of course) and can settle down with a cuppa or two to assess the haul of goodies from Waterstone's — I decided to walk along the main road from Staples towards the deVere hotel to take a closer look at the new Ikea store. That way, I arrived in the vicinity of Waterstone's rather than Borders. It was so cold, Christa, I just had to go inside!

3 books

I see I've twice mentioned Ms Bechdel and her wonderful work (here and here, if anyone's interested). This is a catch-up volume, but (speaking as a lesbian trapped in a man's body) with enough new material to make it worth1 my time. As for the Gurewitch, his Perry Bible Fellowship was briefly introduced into the Guardian2. But I find his work quirky and quite interesting. The Rosenthal? I just dipped into this and, as it made me laugh out loud, it passed my bookshop acquisition threshold test.

Mind you, as I ponder the bill, I can't help remembering that, for my 18th birthday, Big Bro kindly gave me a thirty shilling book token that I was able to turn, without effort, into seven Pelican3 paperbacks. Today's trio came to £34-97! Is this progress, I wonder?

Time to fire up the evening meal.



1  I am very loyal to some writers, and I particularly admire those with the crossover ability to combine text, image, and concisely-told storylines.
2  Around the time of their "Berliner" redesign that included the monstrously (and demonstrably) stupid decision to drop Doonesbury.
3  Like Christa, I was an auto-didact. I owe Pelicans a considerable debt.