2007 — 23 October: pressure relieved?
Time now (09:24) and I've just spoken to Her. While She vastly enjoyed her Perrier water last night She still brought it all back, alas. Anyway, I must remember to reimburse the kindly nurse who bought it for Her... She's seen the registrar, signed yet another "informed consent" form, and is now strictly nil by mouth and on the list for this valve installation operation sometime this afternoon. Poor Girl!
People ask me, from time to time, "How are you?" If I say that just typing the last two words of the previous paragraph unleashed a flood of tears then anybody wanting to know this morning will perhaps get the general idea? But there are still tasks awaiting my attention, the first of which had better be a spot of breakfast as I'm "waisting" away gently.1 I checked — 81.2 kg — wonder what that is in mint imperials?
Today's driving forecast
My next formal instruction session is set for Monday afternoon, in hopes that Christa is safely back at home and I can predict the days slightly better. Meanwhile, if my co-pilot is up for it, I'll be cramming in as much practice as I can between now and then. I may even tackle the Lidl roundabout as I could do with some more of the delicious Sainsbury's bread, and Lidl has a relatively unthreatening car park. (No way do I feel up to Sainsbury's car park yetawhile.)
In other news... department
Hearing the local garden waste van reminds me I must put the "green" bin out tonight. Now it's time to hit the road for a prescription and a paper bill.
It's now 13:25 and no reply from Christa's room so She may well already be on Her way to theatre. Roger popped by on a comfort visit just before lunch — thanks; lunch has been ingested; the only way to calm the yammering nerves is to put the whole lot on "hold" by going out for another practice drive, this time in the tender care of Mrs co-pilot. So: a full tank of petrol and it's the Open Road (or Eastleigh town centre) whichever strikes us as more desirable when we're rolling...
Time now 15:43 and the ward's staff number is busy. 26.9 more miles. We popped into the Lidl car park (because it was there) and then out to Brambridge and all round the back of Hursley (Braishfield) and back via Hillier's, through Otterbourne and Poles Lane. Lots of traffic hazards to negotiate; all good practice. Good stuff; thanks, Shelagh! Time now 17:19 and the ward sister reports She is relatively bright, chirpy, and looking forward very much to seeing me this evening "if it's not too hard to get in". So off I shall jolly well go, very shortly.
Back at 19:00 or so, as the first fireworks are going off, in fact. Big Bro in far-off New Zealandland (or Texas, I've lost track to be honest) has sent me a most kindly email that (I fear) made me howl for a few minutes, but I truly truly appreciate what he had to say, and I wish to thank him. As he says: "this is family":
I am really disappointed for you both that you appear to be denied some quality time despite the rigours of this revolting disease. ... What does one say? Well I will say this, and mean it as you will full know. I suggest that you take every opportunity to be with Christa, to hold her hand, to be there as the strong and loving presence that you are to her. Your devotion and care has been an honour to read of and to witness in some small way as your big bro. ... She is a very brave soul, and you have been a couple joined for life. ... As you go through the immediate future then that care and love will continue for as long as it is allowed to by whatever determines our entry and departure from life. Be strong, hold your head up high and when the inevitable happens rejoice for the life that you have shared together; and for the end of a suffering that no person should have to endure. ... We stand for you in the shadows and will be there for you in the future.
Thank you, John.