2007 — 28 July: Saturdays keep on coming
The sun is again shining. The (level of the) pond in the bog garden recedes nicely, particularly after She encouraged things along with some judicious piercing, yesterday, of the former pond lining...
Morning breakfast preparation is getting under way after the first two meds. There's a fat-looking Guardian to skim and discard, and a neighbouring child — I suspect, rather below the Age of Reason — is howling gently not too far away. Parenthood, heh? Our initial stab at that seems a long, long, time ago now!
Here's looking forward to another Good Day. (The night was a little interrupted, but by nothing major.) So what, if I was to be found downstairs finalising a DVD-R of three episodes of House at three in the morning? Doesn't everybody do that? Besides, it only takes a couple of minutes.
A kindly phone call from Roger, with the promise of a further recipe idea or two in due course. Excellent! Then a swift trot up to the Fryern Arcade to pick up a prescription. Fresh air, sunshine, traffic fumes. Nothing better! And now, that safely accomplished, time to think about a spot of lunch preceded by a cuppa, of course, and a chocolate chip buttered brioche chunk from yesterday's trip to Aldi. Yummy! Not a single calorie in it, of course. Besides, we're both somewhat slimmer than of yore. And I'm retired you know...
Later still
Tea and a cake for/with the neighbours; some further pottering in the garden; a gentle trot round the locality to keep us in trim; plus a repeat showing of (most of) The Hot Rock before falling into the arms of Morpheus. On balance, another Good Day. Keep 'em coming!
Though I do seem to have misplaced my preferred brolly somewhere. Good job it never rains during an English summer.