2007 — 24 June: the rain, it droppeth on the just...
There's yet another inch or so in the non-pond...
An astute reader...
...kindly pointed out my slightly shattered "Back" button yesterday. Whether that means I have only one1 astute reader, or the others are simply tired of reminding me, I do not know. (This is all lovingly hand-crafted stuff, you know. I use it as therapy.)
Ripping yarns
The total has lurched up by six titles, but involving 24 long CDs — I have now hit a batch of boxed sets. Mind you, young Brack was kind enough to tell me, yesterday, of a chum of his who is currently enjoying the fruits of some 61,000 tracks, all losslessly encoded, and served up from an 8TB server. There's always one, isn't there?
Even my 17,500 or so tracks represent over 50 days of continuous din in some peoples' ears... Make that 1,314 titles, 18,938 tracks, 54 playing days! (Another four boxed sets have now bitten the dust, as it were.) And (oh, the shame) one of them wasn't even in my database.