2007 — Day 85 - happy birthday, Big Bro!

According to Joseph Epstein, writing in The Weekly Standard this week, To become the intellectual equivalent of an aristocrat in a democracy requires writing 20 or so books — and I have just completed my 19th. I see that I have managed a few more than 20 of one sort or another (though they have often been prosaic explanations of computing arcana) so I doubt if I qualify. Technology and engineering have rarely been popular in any circles, aristocratic or otherwise.

Guest appearance department

Mr Epstein does let slip an amazing item of trivia about a comedy hero of mine (who also just happens to be Mr Jamie Lee Curtis, but that's another issue). Christopher Guest's father played keyboard for the Righteous Brothers. How cool is that?

What'ya got there, Mr Postie?

A letter from Vodaphone that should have gone to a neighbour! Anything more interesting? Brick looks promising. Should, with luck, be better than last night's incredibly tosh-filled "Da Vinci Code". There's over two hours of our lives that won't be reimbursed... That reminds me, I've also "Humaxed" the John Grisham film "The Rainmaker" that was on lateish last night. Here's hoping.20 Court room dramas can be hard to surpass. (Best example being the court martial extracted from the great white whale that is Herman Wouk's 'Caine' mutiny. Must re-read that one day.)

27 January 2007  


20  But please tell me why the BBC transmitted it a) starting three minutes late? and b) in pan&scan 4:3 ratio instead of the original 2.35:1?