2016 — 28 August: Sunday

Yesterday evening's late viewing1 promised to tell me 10 things I never knew about tsunamis. By the 20-minute point it had told me nothing new. Basically, if you:

... you get ripples. Water being essentially incompressible, these spread out from the point of origin. And pile up on shorelines as the wave front slows in shallower water while its trailing edge catches up. The ripples do not stop neatly at the beach. Chaos ensues.

Unawash with facts, and fed up with the low rate at which they were coming in, I gave up.

Tea is top of my agenda, followed by a spot of breakfast.

I'm now serving 'molehole' pages...

... internally by the built-in Python "SimpleHTTPServer" function. I'm tickled by its unfussy simplicity, its lack of need for configuration (contrast with lighttpd, here) and not least by its default address:

new local serving

Nary a ripple to report. It may well be memory-hungry and inefficient for all I know, but for my purposes — on a fast PC that barely breaks into a shuffle, let alone a trot — it couldn't be easier.

I don't visit...

... Lesley Hall's wonderful site as often as I should, but always unearth a gem such as this when I do:

Rebecca West quote

Having convinced myself...

... that the dreadful piano improvisations on BBC Radio 3 were some bastard variation on a Bach Partita I happen to like, I was astonished to discover that I was actually being played "Improvisation in the form of a Theme and Three Variations on 'Someone to watch over me'" (another tune I happen to like, and prefer to hear without too much mucking about) loosely (very loosely) originating, that is, with Gershwin.

This week's guest on "Private Passions" is the chap (Steve Silberman) who wrote "Neurotribes" (the fat book on autism) I read a while back. He has inspired me to dig out some of my Ralph Towner and John Abercrombie music.

I have a highly...

... pseudoscientific process by which I select a book to browse. This one — containing, as it does, a rich stew of US guvmint buzzwords — will, I suspect...

Beyond Hypocrisy book

... again depress me (mostly by its lack of need for any substantial revisions in the 20 years since I last looked at it). Here's its definition of "Reality":

A nightmare, unbelievable during waking hours.

Just for fun...

... after my late lunch I decided to see how well my i5 NUC2 takes to webserving in addition to being Chief Cook and Media Player around Technology Towers. My last attempt to get 'lighttpd' running on the NUC was completely uncapped by success, but I now have this minimalist approach to web servers. So I:

... and up popped 'molehole' without troubling the flow of my music (also from the NUC).

I'd hoped to run the server from the appropriate file folder on my cheap'n'cheerful "My Cloud" NAS (which is busy being a Samba file server) but the option to open a terminal there is stubbornly greyed out. It would have cut out the "My Passport" drive. Doubtless it's either a share issue, a permissions issue, or to stop me from doing my head in and/or doing some damage to this device after it's been carefully locked down by the Western Digital elves.

The NoMachine elves grab for themselves the "Control/C" combination, which means a slightly more brutal termination process than I usually use. No matter; I've proved the basic principle works.


1  On my Tablet PC, and chosen purely on the basis of it probably being the least worst documentary I had yet to try of those currently showing on my iPlayer 'app'.
2  Since its most recent Mint 18 installation, I've barely tinkered with the default system. In fact, I've added just NoMachine and the Clementine audio player. And disabled software compositing.