2016 — 18 May: Wednesday

I'm trying1 to outstare a blackbird who's standing on my back garden wall, just by the patio door. Like me, perhaps, he's probably wondering what to do for breakfast. And he's off.

It's appropriately...

... grey and more than a bit drizzly — just right for my morning trip to see Dr Fang in just over an hour. Tick tock.

Caught neatly...

... on the prongs of a Trident? I find it hard to disagree with this description of our nuclear weapons insanity:

The officers in charge of launching the missiles are trained to "fire and forget". That's fire up to 160 nuclear warheads, and forget that the world has been reduced to a cursed sandscape where the strongest mutants will rule as Petrol Sheriffs. The government insists that we are prepared for cyber attack, but to be honest we're rarely prepared for snow in winter.

Frankie Boyle in Grauniad

"See you in the autumn". What a nice phrase to hear from your dentist, even if the weather is distinctly autumnal right now.

It's traditional...

... after a dental 'session' to go for a spot of soothing retail therapy. Of course, since Jonathan retired, and his Arcade bookshop is no more, these days I tend to head for the discount DVD shelves in Asda:

3x DVDs

I noted good reviews2 of "Room". And I'm also prepared to risk £3 each on the Simon Pegg comedy and a second copy of Andrea Dunbar's scathing comedic examination of Thatcher's Britain, which I remember seeing on Channel 4 thirty years ago. (This re-issue includes a 24-minute documentary about director Alan Clarke.)

I've just emailed...

... some fraternal encouragement to the chap who posted this on his blog. I first encountered his material nine years ago, after all. Time for a cuppa, methinks.


"Room" is quite something. "The World's End"? Not so much.



1  And failing.
2  Though I found myself struggling with screenwriter Emma Donoghue's earlier novel "Landing" bought after reading a review of it by this chap. And, of course, he's just drawn my attention to a new Vorkosigan concentrating (for a change) on Cordelia.