2016 — 3 April: Sunday

Who would have thought1 that getting my NUC display in its full 3440x1440 pixel glory in a NoMachine Remote Desktop on BlackBeast would turn out to be so simple? As simple as clicking on the tiny icon presented under Display settings that sets "Full screen"? I just needed to unwrap from around my head my idée fixe that I needed the window controls of the BlackBeast window that the NoMachine session runs inside. I don't — I just need to remember there's a little "hot spot" in the top right hand corner that curls down when you hover over it "revealing" a tiny bit of the underlying host desktop.

Click on that, and you get a NoMachine control panel. Search the bottom line of that, and you have a clickable icon that, erm, iconises the NoMachine window down on to your bottom panel, leaving visible the "normal" BlackBeast desktop. Though why they couldn't say "Minimise window"... Nor is there any need to "autohide" the BlackBeast panel in an attempt to maximise the screen real estate because when NoMachine says "Full screen" that's exactly what it delivers.

To quote from Highlander: "it's a kind of magic".

Quite sobering...

... to be reminded of this:

Cyberspatial independence?

Just 20 years ago! Now — reminded that the web is tailor-made for individual surveillance — he says: "I knew that. I wasn't stupid. I just wanted to pretend that was not the future." (Link.)


... I've been told that I can save "faffing around peeling and finding mislabelled icons" when minimising my NoMachine session:


I really ought to start using these sort of keyboard shortcuts more, I suppose. Think how many milliseconds I could save.

I very rarely...

... hit the shops on a Sunday. I prefer to give the Monday-to-Friday workers a clear run. However, Mrs Hubbard needed placating, so off I went before what looks like the impending rain could unduly affect my parade...

How sad is this?

The only problem I ever met in the immediate wake of Y2K was a dubious timestamp on an AIX server to which I regularly transferred IBM Java builds. But consider this:

ICL 2966

Thanks, Mr Logistics

I've had the DVD of "Grandma" on order for a while, being a huge fan of Lily Tomlin, but only chanced upon this new Daniel Clowes book in a recent review. Fingers crossed:

DVD and book

The tagline on the back cover reads "A cosmic time warp deathtrip to the primordial infinite of everlasting love". Notwithstanding, Mr Clowes is a very wise chap:

"Whenever I'm hanging out with people and they're in their 20s or early 30s with no kids, you realise how much of their persona is based on these shticks they've come up with over the years and how they present themselves to the world," he says. "It's all about certain poses they take on. I remember so well myself at that age, where you're like, 'I'm going to be really contrary, and say I disagree, and that this is the opinion I've staked out because it's interesting!' and then after you have kids, you realise, 'I've got to actually be who I am, to present that to this person who's watching everything I do.'"

Sam Thielman interviewing Daniel Clowes in Grauniad

I'll drink to that!



1  Not me, obviously!