2015 — 16 August: Sunday

Despite the glorious morning sunshine streaming in at 07:00, various radiators hereabouts have been mildly thermally agitated1 within (as it were) living memory.

The crop of...

... morning radio news is uninspiring. One third of athletes dope themselves? Car insurance fees are "eye-wateringly high"? The guvmint is flinging £7,000,000 into beefing up "security" at the hole in the ground linking the UK to the furrin' bit across the Channel? Move along. Nothing to see here.

Into every PC Life...

... must fall, from time to time, the occasional drops of hateful "Sys Admin". Hence I'm currently imposing a (small) degree of order on the chaos that is the set of scraps of paper, scrawled notebook entries, and over-reliance on web browser settings, that essentially defines (and circumscribes some aspects of) my digital domain.

I'm not even tackling the set of Linux magic spells that I've been slowly accumulating — such as how to 'chown' and 'chmod' my way past a minor, but irritating, "permissions" issue that trips me up on at least one of the directory trees on one of my NAS boxes. No, this is merely making quite sure I will know how to regain access to my ISP, my network router, my NAS boxes, my local and remote web servers, my Google email, where to find all my network device addresses, all my admin passwords, all my registration passwords for the various websites that I visit.

And, while I'm at it, expunging all traces of my former online access to dear Mama's bank accounts.

Mr Amazon...

... claims to be on his way over with four Blu-rays — one is the 1934 version of "Cleopatra" which I've not seen before. Then there's "A Touch of Evil", "My Fair Lady" (two old favourites) and a documentary on bees called "More than Honey".


... fails to get it right, in my opinion. No "Northern Exposure"? No "Larry Sanders Show"? "Seinfeld" only #36? "West Wing" only #83? They must be joking. (Link.)


Well, I didn't know that Virginia Ironside — the wise and witty woman whose book "You'll Get Over It" helped me come to terms with Christa's death — has a son, Will, in the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain! She's just chosen one of their songs ("Fly me off the handle") on Private Passions.

Those Blu-rays...

... showed up, as promised:

4x BDs

Next week's "dance card"...

... has pretty well filled up, dagnabbit:

And there I'll be with Friday looming up already. When do I get time to do anything?

And the nights are drawing in!



1  The digital atomic wonder clock down here says it's 20.2C if that's a clue.