2014 — 6 November: Thursday

Seven years after the financial implosion, isn't it good to know1 there's to be an 18-month investigation into the "good service" that our Big Four banks insist they provide? In the last 45 years I have used, and left, three of that loveable quartet. Plus three of the tiddlers that tried to compete against them. Now? I just use a building society and, of course, I also operate dear Mama's account on her behalf, lobbing payments every four weeks in the direction of her care home. I find it ironic that several of these smelly institutions now seem to be falling over themselves in their eagerness to extend me "credit" I do not want. Where were they when I needed them, I wonder?

Despite the sunshine...

... it was -1C on my front porch this morning, with frost clearly visible on the roofs of neighbouring houses. I shall "layer up" accordingly. And drink tea, of course. And hope the latest drop of IBM pension has landed safely so I can afford to treat my lunchtime companion later today.

"Words, words, words"

You can — if you are so inclined — find an interestingly-meaningless comparison between (inter alia) the 'Harry Potter' saga (1,084,170) and the 'Lord of the Rings' saga (576,459 excluding appendices — which I suspect you could now not pay me enough to re-read) here. I remember using the Shakespeare quote as the heading in one of the writer recruitment ads I wrote for IBM many years ago. It worked2 quite well.

The chap who...

... wrote this...

Quantum weirdness

... has clearly no acquaintance with my feline chums Boris and Ivan.

I like what...

... IKEA sells, and their prices, but don't much enjoy the way they force me to spiral down through their windowless warehouse towards the ever-distant checkouts. And their profits downunder are, it seems, mostly tax free. Odd. (Link.)

I'd never really appreciated how tricky it can be to get supplies in for weekend visitors whose arrival day, arrival time, and duration of stay, are all currently as indeterminate as the status of the famous quantum cat. And it's rather chilly out there. Brrr.

I'm in no hurry...

... to revisit the eating place adjacent to the Fisher's Pond. Least said, etc etc

Many hours later...

... and it sounds as if it's been raining for hours. Gotta love those Novembers.



1  I jest.
2  Whether the recruit ever forgave me is another matter altogether.