2014 — 4 November: Tuesday

Procrastination is all very well1 but it has (as it were) emptied my little store of fresh foody goodness (not helped by the way that I lost two rolls and my last slice of posh toasting bread to some nasty spores). So I shall soon be out on the hunter/gatherer's trail yet again. Not before sinking my first cuppa, however. That would be silly.


... I am so dim, I assumed the reason some books of philosophy and literature were written "in a style of deliberate obscurity" was because they were simply poorly-written. Not so, it seems. (Link.)

Silly me. I've also been clinging, over-tenaciously, to a basic trust in rationality. (Link.)

What was that line from the X-files? The truth is out there... somewhere? [Pause] As is my next batch of bread rolls. Sadly, not in Waitrose, though, until they next succeed in lighting their oven. I shall improvise.

Having now had...

... time to finish that Chronicle essay on Dan Kahan, I've also taken a look at his blog. There's some interesting stuff on it. And links to more. (Random example. Warning: be prepared to laugh at yourself.)

For reasons...

... I don't fully understand, I appear to have missed out on Calculus Cat during my 14-year Hunt Emerson collecting phase:

Where's Calculus Cat?

Odd. Mind you, my primary cartoon felines remain Crumb's "Fritz", Shelton's "Fat Freddy's Cat" and Watterson's "Hobbes" (Calvin's stuffed tiger chum). Peter went through a "Garfield" phase, I recall. And Christa liked "Felix". We were a happily diverse household.

I shall be...

... interested to find out quite how Brian Sibley manages to squish "all five books" of TH White's "The Once and Future King" into a mere six (radio) episodes of 58 minutes each. Still, that number "five" gives me some hope of him including the "lost chapter" I mentioned a couple of months ago.

Sad news

Tom Magliozzi has died. (Link.) [Pause] Christa enjoyed listening to "Car Talk".

A chum's...

... flat, and — judging by the way it popped two consecutive fuses in his newly-bought battery charger — quite possibly knackered, car battery gave me a chance to examine, hands-on, that new collection of HP Lovecraft's stories I was reading about last Saturday. I may yet get my own copy, though I might need to strengthen a shelf for it first. And clear a space, of course. Though it's also available in a Kindle edition...

The automated missiles...

... launched by ancient Magrathean defences at the "Heart of Gold" (the infinite improbability drive spacecraft nicked by Zaphod Beeblebrox) were not to be taken personally. I shall treat the ads that keep coming my way (courtesy of Google Analytics) in the same light. They repeatedly suggest I spend money to drive traffic to my little niche of the web. This reflects Google's utter failure to grasp that 'molehole.org' is a personal hobby — not some nascent commercial web enterprise in desperate search of more customers.

Hard to believe, but...

... I've now been using Win8 for exactly two years. Good system, even if I'm almost alone in thinking so. It does what I want. The only thing I miss about Win7 was the delightful Aero Glass theme. Of course, now that I run everything off SSDs it's really quite fast, too. And silent. And cool.

"Late Junction" has just played a nice live set from Branford Marsalis recorded (like some of the tracks on that Beaver & Krause album "Gandharva") in Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. Wonderful acoustic. [Pause]

Branford Marsalis

Mr Bezos has finally forced me to 'upgrade' to his new Amazon Music downloading App system, blast his eyes.



1  Just as well, given the major rôle it has in "organising" my life.