2014 — 30 September: Tuesday

The kitchen cockroaches have got up a petition1 demanding some fresh food. I'll get right on it, lads, after I've finished watching the monthly glass collection lorry squeeze past various parked cars and make another attempt to destroy my bit of kerb. Although I'd written 'glass' in my kitchen calendar I naturally forgot to look at that until it was too late. But since my current accumulation of marmalade jars and marmite bottle doesn't even cover the bottom of my crate I think I'm safe for another few months.

Besides, I'm in mid-cuppa.

Oh, and happy birthday niece #1! Though how you can possibly be that age is nearly as baffling as how I can just have passed my 40th wedding anniversary without Christa by my side. Still unbelievable, frankly. KBO.

I would comment...

... on the chap hanged for making "innovations in the religion" and "spreading corruption on earth" but what's the point? (Link.)

And now here's Mr Postie handing over a cheap replacement for one of my shrinking set of home-burned DVDs:

Trouble Bound DVD

Pause for lunch. And an idea.

It being...

... the season for pre-birthday treats2 I've just taken a nominal budget of £100 out for a cyberspatial spin to see how far it stretched as I worked my way through the dustier corners of my little video library replacing further elderly home-burned DVDs3 by more current media. Of course, some titles never got a DVD release, or came and went before I got one of those elusive round tuits. Indeed, a few of these deleted titles now command bizarrely high prices from greedy sellers but, sticking to my budget, I've avoided them.

It was an interesting exercise and, on balance, I think I've done quite well:

I make that £88 (including postage, by the way) and it will keep Mr Postie quite busy for a week or so. "Taking Lives" is the only title I don't already have. It's in a Blu-ray triple set with "Copycat" and "Se7en".

20:22 already?

Blimey. When did that happen?

I've just parked my SHIELD Tablet PC more or less on top of the wireless router upstairs for a few minutes while the next 691.09 MB of updates to the system wobbles across my Wi-Fi network. Upgrade 1.2, to be precise. It's just been released today. I hope it all beds down comfortably.

I wonder if...

... my globe-trotting Big Bro ever picked up one of these BOAC proclamations...

Crossing the Arctic Circle in 1973

... like our father did just two years before his death?



1  I jest, I hope!
2  And even a retired widower needs his pre-birthday treats, surely?
3  Often transcribed from even more elderly (and, all-too-often, 'Laser-rotting') LaserDiscs that dated back to the mid-1980s.