2014 — 21 April: Monday

Far more promising weather for our Easter stroll, preceded by the usual round of domestic administrivia, of course. One can't simply go galloping around the Hampshire countryside unbreakfasted, can one? Or unclad,1 for that matter. Apparently Bailey's portrait of the octogenarian female atop the social pole shows a mischievous glint in her birthday eye. And the boy Dave's counter-factual assertion that the UK can/should be confident in its continuing cult status, with its faith defended by said female, is under attack via a letter in the Torygraph of all places.

I note my favourite ex-agony Aunt among the signatories. No comment.

My favourite book oscillates...

... between "Catch-22" and "Pride and Prejudice" — depending on my mood, and the phase of the moon. In 1967, Heller adapted his wonderfully mordant novel into an (unsuccessful) stage play...

Joseph Heller playscript

... that I bought (and enjoyed) in August 1971. Almost unbelievably, it's only now coming to the UK. (Link.)

Our 7-mile stroll...

... included a brief pit stop at the Flower Pots for, in my case, a very welcome pint of soda water with ice'n'a slice. It was quite warm and predictably humid, with some fresh mud hazards to be skirted or negotiated in a few places. Sad to say, the new-style paper bags Waitrose put out in the vicinity of my choice of bread rolls last time I shopped there had allowed the rolls to dry out and thus attain a rock-like solidity. I quite like stale bread, but this was ridiculous.

Name that song

I live in retirement, now
And through my window comes the sound
Of seagulls...
and sets my mind remembering

In my case, the fact that this then-new album (Past, Present and Future) from Al Stewart and, specifically, the first song on it — "Old Admirals" — was one of the first pieces of music I played to Christa in the vicarage in Old Windsor in early 1974. Forty years ago almost to the day, dagnabbit. Where the hell does the Time go?

I'm pleased to confirm...

... (should anyone be wondering) that a "Sweet and tangy chicken patia" can be much improved by adding a healthy dollop of fresh spinach and some mango chutney. And the evening sky is not looking terribly promising, but has yet to unleash any rain.



1  It's still quite cool.