2014 — 25 February: Tuesday

It would make a nice change1 to wake up and not be faced with a vaguely moist-ish world out there. Meanwhile, back in the unreal world, I'm still enjoying the first chunk of that "Story of Ice and Fire". And in the supposedly real world the unamusing Harriet Harman is now in the middle of a little sh1t storm stirred up by the noisome Daily Mail. I would follow the links but I fear I could lose the will to live.

Time for tea.

I'm going out...

... on a bit of a limb for my next crockpot extravaganza. I've decided to give 'onion gravy' a go. Watch this space.

I still recall...

... an SF comic story I read over 50 years ago in which an innocent time traveller accidentally trod on a small rodent during his "exploration" of the Jurassic and, on his "return" to the "present", found an entirely different Earth, entirely lacking humans. Here's an amusing cautionary tale.

Last time...

... I mentioned an atlas of insects, it was of Siphonaptera. I must admit I prefer Anisoptera:

Dragonfly atlas

By the way, I also prefer my own photo of the Golden-ringed Dragonfly Male (click to zoom it)...

My 2,746th Canon photo :-)

... to the one here.

Rather later

Well, that's another afternoon that won't be coming back for me to spend differently any time soon, or ever. I've been grappling with a couple of (large) web pages in the way that, in earlier years, I used to update and print out some subset of my interminable lists. Still, by way of compensation, the crockpot is starting to smell most enticing.

Having relocated...

... from Westeros to the state of Californication for my evening entertainment, I have to say they are surprisingly similar in some respects :-)



1  Just for once.