2014 — 30 January: Thursday
Beautiful though the bit of Thomas Tallis music is, it's doing nothing to stop the morning looking grey, cold, and frankly rather miserable. Still, not too much of January remains. And I have a lunch date today with a chap who, I predict, will be wanting to swing by somewhere he can buy a pack of frozen peas for soothing the pain of a toe currently afflicted by gout. Caused, he claims, by drinking too much tea. (Gill and Chris are convinced I drink too much tea...)
I used up...
... just a little of my remaining download bandwidth1 yesterday evening on a single music MP3 file called "Hollow Talk" by Choir of Young Believers. It's on an album called We'll never stop living this way: a ghostly primer. Anyone who's been hooked by "The Bridge" will recognise it as the theme tune. [Pause] Quick round of supplies shopping, including the bits I need for my next crockpotted culinary masterpiece. When I got back, I found (inter alia) an email from my energy supplier.
With apologies...
... to Supertramp, it seems that "Even in the coldest moments" I'm managing (it's a healthy 19.2C here in the living room, but I am well-layered) to maintain a positive balance with these latter-day robber barons:
The only problem I could see is that there was a further £80 or so of credit showing on another of their web pages for my account. They seem strangely reluctant to pay me interest, too. I assume the large print to be their recognition that I'm now on an "Age UK" tariff. I hope they don't assume I believe the guff about "working hard to fix".
Lunch is...
... now long since a repast of the past. Time for tea, in fact! I don't think the outside temperature has exceeded +3C at any point hereabouts. Horrid time of year.