2013 — 14 November: Thursday
Well, at least I now know something of what Junior's up to this week1 in Las Vegas. And I've also just been reminded that the fancy "snipping tool" with which I captured the logo of the event saves the filetype (of the captured JPEG) in uppercase, and Win8.1 Pro honours that.
Why it doesn't honour more useful things, like file and directory permissions on a remote server, remains unanswered. Meanwhile, one can ponder how an online bookshop has become such a global force in online commerce and computing. Or one can make some breakfast instead.
Busy chap, me...
... I have a lunch date. Mind you, so does our beloved Prime Minister. Whereas mine will largely centre on "where shall we eat today?" I hafta admire the way the boy Dave seizes the moral High Ground. Criticisms of his little Commonwealth summit jaunt to Sri Lanka are being deflected by the assertion that his mere presence there will attract the eyes of the world as he "shines a spotlight" on the Human Rights record of that former colony. I can't help thinking of earlier Tory efforts. Jonathan Aitken and his "simple sword of truth" comes to mind. Can't think why.
"Let he that is without sin" and all that sort of thing... I shall stick to my simple pub lunches, and keep my head down.
Didn't see it coming?
I was just beavering away, at a very low level, in an industry that seemed a lot more interesting than, say, rivetting bits of metal together.
But even if we remain agnostic as to their precise causal role, burgeoning digital networks have undoubtedly helped enable some of the most consequential economic developments of the past three decades, including the reconfiguration of supply chains, the expansion of the financial services industry, the dramatic weakening of labor unions, the concentration of wealth at the top of the income scale, and the stagnation or depression of wages for most workers.
Yes, but what would we do without computers? (It's actually an interesting article, though neither of the two "lapsed true believers in the Internet gospel" is one I'd care to share my lunch with.)
This delicious...
... lump of video silliness showed up just as I was heading out for lunch:
Traffic madness on the Hiltingbury road, but I'm safely back. It's cold and windy out there. Better batten down the hatches.