2013 — 25 September: Wednesday

Things have reached a pretty poor pass when the day's "highlight" is an afternoon of root canal repair work.1 Preceded this morning by all the shopping I've been putting off. The chicken and the egg question being merely do I have breakfast first, or do I dodge the ankle-biter conveyances?


Dodging completed, how about a little something to ingest? And another cuppa, of course. The barometer has risen nicely and the sun is doing its shiny thing. Good.

I have little doubt...

... I was not alone in my ardent liking for the young female star of this 1969 film:

Hayley Mills DVD

Book by Kingsley Amis, script by George Melly, directed by Jonathan Miller. How come it's taken so long for me to snaffle it on DVD? And more salient question: how come I've never even seen this film? Thanks, Mr Postie.

My post-dental treat is going to involve a trip to Carlo's ice-cream parlour. That should soothe my battered jaw appropriately :-)

And so it did. The removal of the original root canal filling material (to expose the pocket of infection at the base) and its temporary replacement by an antiseptic paste was painless and pleasingly untraumatic. At least, by comparison with some dental procedures I've had the dubious pleasure of experiencing in the past. And I didn't know that Eucalyptus oil is used to soften Gutta-percha to assist in its removal. Powerfully fragrant stuff!

In earlier times...

... I would have had no hesitation in ordering a copy of this:

Crumb Weirdo Years

However, given that I have managed to obtain all but three issues of the magazine in question, I think I'll "pass" for a while. Though I do have a birthday coming up, Junior!



1  The cavity in the fridge also demands attention.