2013 — 1 May: Wednesday — rabbits!

If all this weird sunshine keeps up1 I shall declare Spring to have Sprung. About time too.

Are you mad?

No. But I am changing tack on my scheme for handling an unwieldy mass of CD artwork of varying shapes, types and sizes. I shall no longer bother to scan the artwork but merely 'file' it (without all the plastic jewel boxes) into the same cartons back up in the loft that — until I embarked on this misguided time-stealing enterprise — were used to house the CDs themselves. Those are much more conveniently housed in CaseLogic folders within indolently-easy reach of the hi-fi system without sprawling all over wall-mounted shelving.

When I skid off Life's bumpy Highway somebody else can have the fun job of re-assembling the things should they also still make the hardware needed to extract the digits thereon. Not my problem.

Meanwhile, not only did I remember (just in time) to wheel out the green bin, but my next little crockpot of thermally shimmering delights is now safely embarked on its flavoursome journey for the delectation of my tastebuds tonight. Before that, there's a cuppa and a biccy to be snaffled over with Roger & Eileen. And, I see, it's just about time for 'lemonses' too. What a gorgeous day. (I shall draw a discreet veil over the tears induced by Dido's Lament. It could just have been the onion I was dicing.)

I refuse...

... to believe in stuff like this 'pi' meme, but following some of the links was amusing, as is this snippet:

Infinity is always hard for our puny finite brains to handle, and I admit that the vastness of irrational numbers blows my mind whenever I accidentally think about it for too long. We're talking about a number that encodes not only my life story, but also a version in which my fly wasn't down the first time I taught a class.

Evelyn Lamb in Slate

My pleasant Mr Postie...

... despite thinking his job is great because it "keeps him off the streets" dropped off another small batch of hi-res pixel-based evening entertainment, of which "Doubt" is new to me:


And plans are tentatively afoot for another country ramble tomorrow, now that Mike's speedy (75 Mbps or so) new fibre-to-the-cabinet broadband is all sorted out. His house is a lot closer to the nearest BT street cabinet than mine is, so there's only a few metres of copper involved to impede the flow of electrons after they've been transformed from photons.

Yikes! If I don't eat lunch soon I won't have room for any biccies later.

I took a gamble...

... that Carlo's ice-cream parlour would be terra incognita for Roger & Eileen and so it proved for a pleasant afternoon outing. It's now 19:09 on a sunny evening and my crockpot nicely filled a waiting gap in the tum. What's next?



1  And I did, after all, hear a cuckoo on our last walk.