2012 — 19 October: Friday

And here we are again.1 Regardless of any food-based entertainment my son may have in mind for this weekend (he arrives on Saturday afternoon) I shall be assembling my next batch of crockpottery this morning. I remembered to buy some cooking wine. Let's hope I remember2 to add it.

One giant European bank...

... to rule them, and in the darkness bind them, heh? What could possibly go wrong with that? (Link.)

In other news from the BBC, their current external link to Ofgem on that "lowest energy tariff" story (still) leads to a BBC News and Sport 404 broken link page.

The sooner 'they' invent a self-peeling potato, the better. <Sigh> (Not Ofgem, lest you wondered.)

Can't say the weather looks very enticing at the moment — the moment being 10:25 or thereabouts — but a chap has to work with whatever is sent his way.

If you wait long enough...

... or read far enough down an article...

If you live 4,000 years, you live long enough to be unlucky, long enough to fall victim to the kind of random events that the Earth's short-term tenants are spared. John Muir once wrote, of ancient sequoias, that "of all living things, the sequoia is perhaps the only one able to wait long enough to make sure of being struck by lightning".

Ross Andersen in Aeon

Reminds me of that lovely Dr John track "The Olive Tree".

I missed...

... the memo about "AI" becoming "AGI". But then, I miss a lot of memos these days :-)

I caught...

... Mr Postie, and my copy of the film Mike and I enjoyed as my post-birthday meal treat:


I've also topped up dear Mama's account to withstand the next hammering from the care-home.

Right! Time (17:53) to let the latest crockpot out of its thermal cage and give it the tastebud test. [Pause] I'm delighted to report that it passed with flying colours. On with the show. It's cool, dark, and pretty moist out there. In fact, I drove back from Roger and Eileen in the rain. And, for some reason, the drivers of my little village were unusually determined to throw themselves at my wheels. I shall be pleased when the work that's closed one end of Chalvington Road is complete and traffic patterns are more normal.



1  Those of us who made it through the night, that is :-)
2  Have no fear, the wine is here.