2012 — 27 September: Thursday

We're planning to hit one of our relatively local road walks this morning. But no packed lunch needed, so no immediate panic.1

Yawn... I stayed up quite late last night, as I browsed through some of my 'Comedy' audio, alighting on the long-time-since-I-listened "Beyond the Fringe (on Broadway)" from 1964 followed up by David Gunson's droll after-dinner 'talk' on the life and times of an Air Traffic Controller. And I was using the Netgear / NAS combination for a change, having had quite enough of BlackBeast by then.

I now need...

... to do something about the gaping chasm that has opened up in the region of the ol' tum. I'm thinking along grilled sausage lines, since I had the wit to take them out of my freezer and let sunlight on the windowsill do its thermal thing. Nice walk, by the way...

There seems to be a positive dearth (if that's possible) of interesting stuff in my usual web "watering holes" (and I've blown the free 'limit' on access to the NYT this month). The boy Dave made a bit of a prat of himself on Letterman, and apparently an Eton education no longer stretches far enough to cover the meaning of Magna Carta.

Tea always helps. Oh, and let the record show that I took my little blue Yaris through the 35,000 miles mark today (factoring in the 100 or so miles it's clocked up without me in the driving seat).

Much as I like...

... most of my music, the fact is that when I 'shuffle' my way through it I increasingly find my reaction is one of almost horror as I realise how old a track is, or how long it's been in my life, or (worse yet) how long ago the artist died... all of which are pretty strong proof points that I'm not really quite as young as I used to be :-)

Case in point: Steely Dan's 1980 album "Gaucho", but there are all too many other examples. Like I said: tea always helps. [Pause] And a bite to eat. It is, after all, now 18:38 and the temperature has decided to dip.

There are, I've...

... decided, many (very many) worse TV shows to watch than Aaron Sorkin's "West Wing". It's also deliciously "more-ish" as long as you only watch it every couple of years or so. The trick is to finish it before the cognitive dissonance between it and the real world gets too much to bear. [Pause] Speaking of dissonance, this 'stereotype maps' project goes from strength to strength. (Link.)



1  And still reliably dry, we hope, after this week's downpours.