2012 — 14 August: Tuesday

If it's the second Tuesday of the month, then can the next batch of security 'patches' be far behind?1 Meanwhile, the opening movement of Janacek's "Sinfonietta" (the only bit worth hearing) blasts at the cobwebs, mental and otherwise. For some reason, it was the chosen 'tune' of the Hatfield Polytechnic.

Rain overnight, it seems. [Pause] With the third CaseLogic folder of CDs now filled and labelled — 792 of the little devils — it's definitely time (09:00) for some brekkie, followed by a visit to the money shop (to deal with Uncle ERNIE's bounty) and the food shop (to deal with the voracious inner man) before embarking for points vaguely foreign (for my lunch date).

Things would go...

... a lot more quickly in the money shop if they'd fix their blasted ATM machine and put staff on both their 'tills'. I had plenty of time to read, and reject, their latest current account "deal". Many times. It's sunny, but with plenty of ominous-looking clouds blowing around.

Lunch time peregrinations

Sadly, we discovered the "Wheatsheaf" in Braishfield is closed once again, so we toddled on a bit further to the "Three Tuns" in Romsey, adjourning (for 'pud') to Carlo's (relatively) adjacent ice-cream parlour. And cooking on my doorstep when I returned was evidence that Mr Postie was obviously keeping busy while I was out to lunch, as he's delivered the several items I spotted or mentioned since last Thursday:


Martin Rowson seems, to me, to have inherited — very ably — the mantle of (no clothing pun intended) Scarfe and Steadman. And Edward Gorey was just such a charming chap; who needs an excuse to read his letters? Meanwhile, the regulating of sexual activity is obviously a fun job.2 It reminds me of that limerick about a pansy who lived in Khartoum. If you recall, he took a lesbian up to his room. But they argued all night, over who had the right, to do what, and with what, and to whom...

I have one more chore to perform before I declare the working day over. It involves delivering a screened lead that has six phono plugs at each end. The mind boggles.



1  What, one wonders, will Microsoft do after the last bug has been extirpated? Never going to happen. Well, not before the heat death of the present universe.
2  If the number of right-thinking, civic-minded, unjudgemental (just mental?) people who have so enthusiastically stepped forward over the years to declare what's right and fitting, and what's wrong and (presumably) ill-fitting, is any guide.