2012 — 6 May: Sunday
We have it in mind1 to give Wherwell a whirl this (still slightly wet) morning. The odes look OKish as the network access was up and running even before my kettle did its boily thing. Meanwhile, Bjork's "Venus as a boy" sounds every bit as quirky2 this morning as it did the first time I heard it.
And I have a Bank Holiday treat this evening too: one of Mike's meals plus a couple of films on his latest projector. Selection of which will doubtless be but one of our topics of conversation if we can hear one another over the sound of the driving rain.
Who am I...
... to talk about obsessive collecting? So, I'm browsing gently back through the previous "6 May" entries in my diary just to see what sort of weather we'd been experiencing at this point. In 2009, I remind myself of a nice freebie compilation CD stuck to "Mojo" magazine. I see I even commented on the similarity of a Jethro Tull track on it to a favourite Eagles track.
But can I find that damn' Tull track? Or (oh! the horror!) any of the tracks? Of course not. Ironically (in light of yesterday afternoon's discussion) and in (mild) desperation, I've just re-downloaded and re-installed the latest 64-bit version of iTunes and pointed it at my — you should excuse the term — complete3 collection. Guess who's got 40,507 "songs" (or 120.9 days worth) in this particular subset of my collection. Though why it's only busy analysing 39,862 items to determine "gapless playback information" is, perhaps, a question best left unasked. (And I still keep the classical and spoken word material in another folder structure and am not letting iTunes anywhere near it.)
But — of course — it's no help at all in finding yet another CD that has mysteriously escaped my ripping process. I need a system. <Sigh>
The lost little lamb got filed away into a CaseLogic folder (Q121, should you ask) and is thus now easily available for ripping. But it's now jolly nearly time to hit the road. It's not actually raining out there, but looks rather unpromising. Still, cobwebs exist, and have to be blown away.
Mirabile dictu
The rain held off, and most of the trails were relatively unmuddy, so it was a good walk. The only clothes to get wet are those currently in my washing machine, and the only shower was the one I've just had. Meanwhile, Mike sent over his photos, including this escapee from Dr Doolittle:
A "push me / pull you" unless I miss my guess.
I've just ripped the errant lamb, and confirmed my suspicions. I'm also using iTunes as my player. Wonder how long it will survive this time? [Pause] Actually, it might be a bit longer. I've just been examining the "Radio" streaming facility. Crikey.