2012 — 30 March: Friday

As my morning cuppa approaches perfection1 while I sit here in the realisation that it's already nearly April (when did that happen?) and the house thermostat (on 18C) is now unlikely to trigger the central heating... I wonder if my reader can deduce the connection between this particular list of ten films?

Film titles

Beyond the obvious clue that they are all in (or have at some point been in) my little collection, one of the titles contains the seeds of the answer.

Fresh insights...

... don't always bring new delight. The guvmint's Cabinet Orifice contains a "Behavioural Insights Team" whose object2 all sublime is to reduce fraud, error and debt. Wouldn't that be nice? (Link.)

Has somebody...

... let slip the Dogs of War? Unleashed the Four Horsemen (locally, at least)? I lost my Internet connection for about 30 minutes (not that I noticed exactly when it dropped). Took the opportunity to power down BlackBeast, extract the empty 1TB drive I'd been hoping might still be of some use, recycled the router, and was still unblissfully disconnected from the online world of wonderment.

[Pause] Made myself a cuppa, and here I am again. Meanwhile, Len's obviously also having network troubles over on the other side of our little hamlet — I assume we share phone exchanges, though I know he uses a different ISP... And Mike was similarly afflicted for an hour, eight miles away. I'm told BT was having nationwide broadband 'issues'. Tut, tut.

Having heard an idiotic soundbite yesterday about keeping petrol tanks topped up, but avoiding panic buying, I've just been sent this:


Those film titles?

They are all featured in Steve Miller's "150 movies you should die before you see". Flipping cheek.

I'm not sure...

... if I'm pleased to learn (here) that six new episodes of "Yes, Prime Minister" are heading our way. But it led me to this exchange in the House of Lords, purportedly providing the Department of Work and Pensions definition of "work":


Lords hard at work, heh? Good to see.



1  The current Yorkshire Gold 'pick' being Rwandan, to be followed by Kenyan before a return to Assam. In case you needed to know.
2  Well, one of them. Others include energy use, and getting consumers to power growth.