2012 — 6 February: Monday

Something old, something new1 followed by a snow-free trip back on an empty motorway.

Time for a suppa cuppa, methinks.

The Grauniad's "Mr Angry" is...

... on good form:

Now Mail Online2 has gone one step further by running a story that not only insults its own readers, but cruelly invites them to underline the insult by making fools of themselves. In what has to be a deliberate act of "trolling", last Friday it carried a story headlined "Rightwingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study". In terms of enraging your core readership, this is the equivalent of Nuts magazine suddenly claiming only gay men masturbate to Hollyoaks babes.

Charlie Brooker in The Guardian

Today's list of tasks include the weaving of my next crockpottery spell and a trip over to Mr Postie to see what he's holding for me in his "undelivered" lair. But first, breakfast; it's already 10:41 and looks a bit drizzly out there. [Pause] The lair was holding the new film by Will Gluck — the chap who made the excellent "EasyA" from last March:


It remains to be seen how different this will prove to be from "No strings attached".

Giving the car...

... yet another drink of go-juice, I found myself strangely attracted to the nearby deep discount DVD shelves of Asda:


It (belatedly) occurs to me that, had I chanted my crockpot spell a couple of hours earlier this morning, I could by now (18:53) be enjoying the results. I'm hungry, dammit! It's cold, too. [Pause] Yum! What's left of today's rich mix3 is even now chilling down nicely, to be tucked away at the bottom of my fridge for days yet to come.

On with the show.



1  Last night's films were "Cowboys and Aliens" (Mike's choice) and "The Bourne Identity" (my choice).
2  Which (shudder) recently overtook the "New York Times" as the most popular English language news site on this benighted planet, apparently.
3  A little something I call "Meat and multiple veg", consisting of diced leg of lamb, carrot, parsnip, swede, potato, onion, leek, stock, gravy, tomato, Bramley apple, a splash of red wine and just a smidgen of mint.