2012 — 19 January: Thursday

An unremitting diet1 can pall after a while. However I've yet to hit the tipping point with my diet of "Bones" which, perhaps bizarrely, I'm still finding wonderfully entertaining. So much so, that I've yet to watch "Underworld" despite it being urged none too gently through the letterbox a couple of days ago.

There's more morning drizzle, and it's a dull grey out there, but seems a little milder. I have a lunch date with Len and we're thinking of deviating from our recent "regular" watering hole in Braishfield. And the morning music on BBC Radio 3 is pretty lively. As is my cuppa. Ever onward.

I recall reading...

... about fuel cell technology back in the late 1960s (in one of my issues of "Science Journal" that dear Mama was later so pleased to 'donate' to the school where she worked without bothering to ask me). I think my first awareness of bacteriophages came from a BBC "Horizon" programme. In both cases, I still await the promised delivery of cheap, effective solutions. Phages may be first, it seems. (Link.)

A quick trip out for some of the bulkier essentials (I try to limit any one 'shop' to the capacity of one of the Waitrose quick checkout bags) and to give the car a drink. Clean windscreens and wiper blades. Top up the screen wash fluid. Start the laundry. And, next stop: lunch (somewhere).

Remember poor old Casper? His brother is currently sitting right at the top of the tree that Christa used to climb. Well, he can get down by himself. I'm outa here.

Some calories later...

... after lunch at what used to be "Casa Bodega", and a cuppa and a chat back home with the cats who keep Len as their pet, I'm back with just enough light to see that Casper's brother has extricated himself from his perch. Tom G may (or may not) shortly swing by with a copy of that new book by David EH Jones — I have, after all, promised to review it. (And my own, paid-for, copy, is just about to set off from Amazon.)

Update: I'm now predicting a short trip to Romsey tomorrow morning. (The lengths I'll go to for a free cuppa, heh?)



1  Even of my speciality dish: the random crockpot. Or should that be "sui generis"?