2011 — 9 December: Friday

Interesting chat with Junior.1 He and Peter's g/f are just off to Egypt for a week of pre-Xmas sun and sand (or something). He also told me that the account that hosts (among others) this molehole 'stuff' was hacked by what seems to have been a script kiddy who, having broken in, didn't really know what to do next. So if anything odd strikes you, do please feel free to tell me. It may not have been me.

I agree it might be hard to tell...

I was unaware...

... that there's now a "sort of" sequel to Luc Besson's Léon. Not, alas, starring Natalie Portman. The general theme of the piece I was reading is on SF themes "bleeding" into the mainstream2 (which has, of course, been going on throughout the history of cinema). Source and snippet...

These films are aimed at audiences who probably wouldn't object to talking squids, but I've written before about the way chronological jiggling, time warps and parallel universes have infiltrated mainstream drama, romcoms and sitcoms. And "SF creep" into the mainstream and arthouse is on the rise, even if the term "science fiction" is only mentioned by critics disparagingly, as if the fact that the film under question refuses to classify itself as that makes it superior to the usual genre nonsense.

Anne Billson in The Grauniad

... Ms Billson (who once wrote a novel about vampires in contemporary London) is no fan of the Twiglit saga, not that that matters. Her final paragraph branches out into a curious subgenre she calls "girls in fetishwear". Small confession: I was recently lent, and even started watching, Zack Snyder's "Sucker Punch". Although I have no objection to seeing girls in fetishware (who does?) I didn't get very far into it. Little matters of plot and dialogue had something to do with that.

There are a few...

... hints of blue sky, but mostly dull, grey clouds and a temperature in low single digits. I expect the cuppa I'm on target to blag from Roger and Eileen will help, though I shall finish listening to the weekly Kermode as he's about to review "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" somewhat after every other film critic on the planet. (He claims to have learned everything he knows about politics from the original films. I remember reading Pierre Boulle's "Monkey Planet" back in the late 1960s but I don't remember learning too much about politics from it, and it's long since fallen off my dusty shelves. Perhaps the translation left some things out?) He's just dismissed "The Thing" as a remake of a remake purporting to be a prequel, and to be avoided at all costs. Not much good, then?

Meanwhile, I've been pottering around, repopulating applications, paying bills, reading meters. I've also now updated my description of BlackBeast here. Plus, I've caught up on the two most recent episodes ("Kill Shot" and "Cuffed") of "Castle" Season #4. It continues to delight me, and is going from strength to strength.



1  Last night, after I'd "closed" down my web life for the sleeping phase.
2  There's space regularly set aside in David Langford's "Ansible" for keeping tabs on this commonplace genre disparagement in various media. Look out for "As Others See Us".