2011 — 7 November: Monday
A uniformly cool, grey start at 07:49 to quite a busy day. Care-home fees to be arranged, and in all probability care-home to be visited. Evening joint-birthday meal. Tablet PC demo. Mysteriously large amount of bedding1 to be washed and dried. Empty food cupboard to be replenished. Tea to be drunk...
Did I say "cool"?
I mis-typed. It's more like f-f-f-chilly out there. No matter. At least we don't seem to be facing imminent obliteration tomorrow evening:
Actually, I fancied Milla Jovovich something rotten though I never did quite work out how Jean-Paul Gaultier's "bandage dress" was fitted without trickery in that regeneration chamber.
... in an unfunny sort of way. Source and snippet:
Consider the simple act of changing lanes while driving a car. Try this: Close your eyes, grip an imaginary steering wheel, and go through the motions of a lane change. Imagine that you are driving in the left lane and you would like to move over to the right lane.
Sounds simple? Oops. Wonder how my driving instructor would get on.
... from another unjoyful visit to dear Mama. She was dozing downstairs in a lounge where others were playing Scrabble on a giant board, but when we got up to her room I managed to persuade her to put on the TV/radio so at least I was able to listen with half an ear to the "Brain of Brains" quiz. Got 12 right answers, too. I'm now back and will simply relax for an hour before setting out on the un-chores part of this rather long day. "Castle", anyone? :-)