2011 — 15 October: Saturday

Phew! All over for another year1 and it's probably about time (00:43 and counting) to think about creeping quietly upstairs to bed. Mustn't wake the young folk. Peter not only managed to get a very nice print of the Millennium Bridge photo I mentioned recently, but has also signed me up to "LoveFilm". Of course, he didn't tell me in advance so I naturally assumed my email account had been hacked. Kids!


Why, one wonders...

... is 'Sir' Tim Rice sitting in for Brian Matthew this (cold, but sunny) morning? (The dog wants to know.) "We all hope he'll be back in the saddle before too long" sounds a bit worrying.

Meanwhile "follow the money" remains an effective guiding principle when seeking to expose the shenanigans of the strange and motley crue of chancers and spivs that orbits our green and peasant gland and its political and business "leaders", in the military/industrial complex perhaps more than anywhere else. He "all but broke the rules" admits Mr Fox, referring to himself. You think? Politicians lie; it's what they do.2 Get over it or used to it. (Link)

Following the weird story of an MP wandering round a park and dumping his correspondence in bins (which doesn't sound like the 'proper' way to dispose of constituency correspondence, except for items written using green ink and all capital letters) we get a reported tweet from a Zac Goldsmith MP: "How is Oliver Letwin working in the park newsworthy?! Whoever in Labour has asked for (yet another) inquiry should be put to sleep." Priceless. (Link)

Glowing reports

Strike Dalgety Bay off your holiday list:

Radioactive material was first detected on the foreshore of Dalgety Bay in 1990. It is thought the contamination originates from the residue of radium-coated instrument panels from military aircraft which were incinerated and land-filled in the area at the end of the Second World War.
Monitoring has been undertaken by both Sepa and the Ministry of Defence, with radioactive material being periodically removed. Sepa has called for an urgent "long-term remediation plan" to deal with the problem.

Inverurie Herald

21 years, and now they call for an urgent plan? Why the unseemly haste? After all, radium was used in toothpaste at one time!

Safely back from a...

... slap-up meal in Soton, preceded by an appetite-raising stroll around the Royal Victoria Country Park (aka Netley), and after toting a batch of flattened storage cartons up into the loft and a duvet down from ditto (not that they now need it 'cos they've just told me they're not staying a second night as they're going climbing tomorrow morning) and before I take photos of the bed and the wardrobe that they're about to dust and dismantle ready for sale on eBay, I finally get a brief minute3 in which to mention today's postal droppings.


"Next" is that rare thing, an enjoyable Nic Cage film, and the Blu-ray was ridiculously cheap. (I was quite surprised to realise it's nearly two and a half years since I bought and watched the DVD.) Massy Tadjedin, who directed "Last Night", wrote the screenplay of "The Jacket", which was an intriguing film also with Keira Knightley (who is not just a pretty face). I am hopeful. It's now 19:03 and has cooled down considerably.



2  Remember the wisdom of the hapless George Costanza in Seinfeld — "It's not a lie if you believe it". As Wes Johnson said: All the best (and by that, I mean those who manage to stay in office without military backing) world leaders use this technique. (Full quote here.)
3  Kids remain exhausting, even in their fourth decade.