2011 — 15 April: Friday
Cloudy, with some risk of showers.1 Pah! It's only water...
It's now 07:38 and here comes my first cuppa.
The ever-(un)reliable film chap from the "Grauniad" and the majority of the people commenting (most without having seen the thing, of course) are giving Catherine "Twilight" Hardwicke's new film a bad time. Sounds great to me. (Link.)
Figure in a Northumberland landscape
To be precise, the shadow of the photographer. (Link.)
Yesterday's evening choice, by the way, was the first 40 minutes or so of the US version of "Rocky Horror", complete with subtitles. A glorious print. The price for dining relatively late, however, was to wake at 04:30 though I may yet learn my lesson one day. A life without limits — that's me :-)
Having walked the good walk...
... I'm shovelling in a salmon salad lunch before nipping out to stock up on some foody goodness for offspring and his lady who are decamping here for the weekend to avoid the London Marathon, it seems. So that's chocolate biscuits. What else?
My new, profitable hobby
Mr Postie's just dropped off confirmation from Brenda's boys'n'girls that, indeed, I've been paying too much tax because they'd assumed the 12-month bereavement allowance (Christa's state pension by another name) was still being popped into my grateful bank account well over two years after it had actually stopped. I underestimated the amount of the refund heading my way, too, 'cos I failed to factor in the Revenue's relatively ungenerous £0-35 "repayment supplement" (aka 0.1% interest).
"The cheque" they tell me "is in the post". Isn't that one of the three great lies?
Mike is keeping...
... his beady Nikon focused on that odd tree we spotted last month. Here's today's "look":
It's 19:42 — I'm back from Roger and Eileen's tea shoppe, my supper has been supped, the dishes have been dished. What's next, Mrs Landingham?